COVID-19 checklist & precautions

Dear client - as of April 2021, Inspiring Pet Teaching is aiming to return to an increased level of service, & adjust to the "new normal"  during the COVID-19 pandemic. This will mainly entail seeing clients online where possible (& for initial consultations/follow-ups), then getting together in person as required, & as long as it is safe to do so. As we work together, the health, safety & well-being of my clients, the population at large, & myself, is of paramount importance. I appreciate they may feel a little awkward & impersonal, but - aimed at preserving all of our health - I have put in place the following protocols, & ask that you follow them please:


  • If I have been experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 prior to our meeting, or have reason to believe I have been exposed, I will inform you ASAP & arrange to reschedule our meeting.

  • Please inform me as soon as you can, in advance of our meeting, if you have been experiencing any COVID-19-related (or suspicious) signs, or have reason to believe you have been exposed[6] - we will then arrange to reschedule our meeting, or convert to an online/'phone session.

  • I will aim to be with you at our appointed time (unless otherwise stated, I could be 15 minutes either side of this), so please do keep an eye out for me. (I will aim to call you on my arrival - mobile reception-permitting). Please open gates/doors, &/or manage any "touch point surfaces", etc. for me, so that I will not need to make contact with these.

  • I will remain at least two metres away from you at all times.

  • Please remain at least two metres away from me at all times.

  • I will sanitise my hands on arrival at the appointment, & request that you do too please.

  • When I arrive, please make sure that your pet is secured away from me (as laid out in your appointment instructions - see links at the bottom of this page). Even if your dog is friendly, please ensure they are securely on lead/harness, & kept near you throughout the session (keep them happily engaged with you to prevent them wanting to approach me).

  • I will not handle your pet, & they should not approach within one metre of me. (Lovely as they may be, & much as I would like to interact!) This is because, like any "surface" pets' coats may act as fomites, therefore may carry unseen infected material[5].

  • I will demonstrate training/handling procedures, equipment, etc. from a distance. I will not give you equipment to handle, nor will I handle anything of yours.

  • I will not be entering your house/indoor space. (On the very unlikely occasion that this does have to happen, only one other person should be in the space with me, it will be brief, & we will both need to wear face coverings for the duration of the time we are indoors. Face coverings should not be handled, removed or touched, & should entirely cover our noses & mouths. All external doors & windows should be kept as wide open as achievable for the duration of the time we are sharing an indoor space.)

  • Please download & activate the NHS COVID tracing app (

  • Please follow all of these guidelines in advance of & throughout each appointment we have together.

  • I will do all I can to ensure you feel safe, & have a safe, enjoyable & useful session, providing the high quality service I always aim to - as laid out in our Key Facts page[4].

  1. Key Facts - Part 2: Preparing for a Training or Behaviour Appointment with Inspiring Pet Teaching
  2. Inspiring Pets FAQs 
  3. Terms & conditions of business
  4. For further information, please see our Key Facts page
  5. For further information on current guidelines related to our profession & how to care for your pet during COVID-19, see link
  6. For information of the signs of COVID-19, & actions to take to stay safe, please see link.

CCAB ​Dog Behaviourist, dog trainer CCAB