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More Inspiring Services

Pre-Pet Advice

Let us help you find your perfect pet! This is a vital & valuable service to help you choose & prepare for the right pet for your family/lifestyle.
The decision to acquire a new animal friend is always an exciting one - there is so much to look forward to & fun to be had! 
Many owners have questions &/or concerns about getting a pet for the first time, or adding to their existing family. Inspiring Pet Teaching can provide advice on choosing a pet, knowing what to look for & what questions to ask a breeder or rescue organisation; or guide you through the process of adopting a pet from a shelter. I can give you realistic information about pets' welfare & species-specific needs, as well as the time & financial commitments required by all pets, so as to help with decisions on your chosen pet’s suitability for your family. Let me take the stress out of these life-changing decisions, helping you chose the right pet, at the right time, for the right family, & to avoid the pitfalls & mistakes too often made. These sessions may be run as one-to-one or occasional group classes - let me know your needs!

'Phone & Email Advice

Although in the majority of cases, the face-to-face approach is most appropriate for pets & their owners, sometimes it is possible to tailor training plans by “remote control”, with a written follow-up summary +/- tailor-made tutorial videos to back up training plans. The use of video & online technologies may be helpful for these sessions.

In conjunction with in-person consultations & lessons, remote lessons, follow-up & advice can be invaluable for clients on their training or behaviour change journeys.

In some cases, I may be able to remotely support & teach fellow professionals too, mentor students, & collaborate on case management.

Contact me to find out how I can help you.

Working with you at the vet or groomers

Linda specialises in working with clients & pets at the vet practice, +/- at the groomers. This service is aimed at helping pets who are worried about handling, husbandry, procedures +/- grooming. We would initially teach some new skills, & reducing anxiety outwith the problem environment, then begin to slowly work towards more & more realistic veterinary or grooming situations, so as to allow pets to feel more comfortable in care procedures.

Safe Kids'n Dogs

Children & dogs (or other pets) have a lot to offer each other, & can mutually benefit in many ways from living together. Everyone loves the idea of kids & dogs playing happily together & keeping out of mischief.

Dogs & people communicate differently, & without the right knowledge & guidance, things may not go so well... Whilst cases of severe dog bites are thankfully uncommon in the U.K., a high proportion of those which occur involve young children, & happen with a familiar dog. Many of these incidents are preventable through careful education. 

Modern family life can be tough on pets - let’s make it fair on our best friends & safer for the children in our lives by being attentive to both, learning what dogs are telling us, being their advocates when necessary, & supervising interactions.
It is so important for children (& adults) to learn how to behave around pets, with proper supervision and education.

Even if you do not have a family dog, children will encounter dogs & should still learn to ‘speak dog’, as well as how to behave appropriately & safely. Inspiring Pet Teaching can provide education & resources for parents & their children to help keep kids & dogs safe & happy together. These sessions may be run as one-to-one or occasional group classes (e.g. in schools) - let me know your needs!

Day training

Although we feel strongly that there's no substitute for the joy, bonding & feeling of accomplishment of training & learning with your pet, sometimes there are occasions when you need some extra help, e.g. when time doesn't allow, or due to physical difficulties. In this case, it may be possible to arrange for Linda to come to your home & train with your pet if you cannot be there, or are unable to do the training for some reason. This can often be useful to kick-start intensive training. We would do a thorough hand-over of what your pet has been learning, aiming to teach you all you need to know to continue & keep up the great work. This service is usually in conjunction with in-person lessons, & likely requires regular follow-up lessons. Contact us for more information. 

Supporting Cats, Dogs & Their People Towards Behaviour & Training Success!

CCAB ​Dog Behaviourist, dog trainer CCAB